Best Wood to Burn in Your Backyard Fire Pit?

Best Firewood for Your Backyard?

Did you know… the type of firewood you burn at your next summer barbeque or family get together can easily make or break “up” your party?

Seriously, Does It REALLY Matter What Wood You Burn in a Fire Pit?  Yes, it does. The activities you are plan, pretty much dictate what kind of firewood you need to use (or NOT use).

While there are lots of safe firewood options or wood products to burn in a firepit, they don’t all burn the same.

For example, you need to think about what you want make a fire for: an open flame to set the mood, a small bonfire for a party.

In general, you want a type of firewood that is easy to light, and that burns long enough to do what you need it to do.

Normally, we recommend kiln-dried hardwood for almost everything. This is because hardwoods are dense, has been dried fully to kill harmful pests, catches fire more easily and lasts longer.

This means a fire fueled with kiln-dried firewood will slowly burn for hours with very little maintenance, whether it’s in your backyard or a park campsite.

But honestly for most folks, the price of even a half-cord of premium kiln-dried wood … just for the summer and fall months … is really too expensive.

Which is why, we offer “Backyard Firewood”.

What is Backyard Firewood?

Backyard firewood is a naturally air-dried pine and poplar mix.

Pine is an excellent choice of wood for short outdoor events or parties. It is easy to split and burning pinewood has an amazing smell. Pine scented products are bestsellers for a reason.

Poplar also has a very pleasant smell, sort of sweet and nutty. It too is easy to chop and cut.

Both pine and poplar burn fairly quickly – usually under 2 hours – you don’t have worry about a campfire or pit fire burning overnight.

Now we’ve been told on good authority that you shouldn’t use pine or poplar wood for open flame cooking. Too much smoke. But once the fire dies down a bit, the sooty smoke goes away and the coals are great for cooking brats or hot dogs and good to use in your BBQ pit or smoker.

Poplar and pine are big smoke producers but since wood smoke is a natural bug-repellent, a nice backyard fire with whirls of fragrant smoke is certain to drive away most of your mosquitos, biting flies and other flying pests.

If you are interested in ordering wood from us for your firepit before your next big summer event, then we invite you to tap to call Richard at (828) 230-1165to check availability.

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