Hell-ene Sucked!

First, let me say that our sympathy goes out to our WNC neighbors who have lost loved ones, and had their homes destroyed. We have been working with our Fairview family and friends to remove trees and help out where ever we could.

All we can say is that Helene sucked … but we are glad to be alive.

Now if you are one of our regular customers, we are still in business and have plenty of kiln-dried wood ready to be delivered.

The catch is that our home office internet and landline are both down and cell service is as spotty as a 15-year old with stress acne!

So if you need firewood, your best chance to reach us is to text (828) 230-1165, and leave your name and message. We promise to get back to you as soon as we can. It may take a day or two to get an order to you but we will deliver!

Richard Jenkins

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$250 Firewood from Natural Timber Firewood? “Ain’t NO Way!”

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New “Super Sack” Kiln-Dried Firewood (1/3 standard cord)